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Uses for a quillo

A quillo is more than a quilt and more than a pillow/cushion it is a stroke of genius!
The number of uses is unlimited ... here are a few examples. 

As a pillow or cushion


  • On a bed

  • On a couch/chair

  • Keep it in the car so it is readily available when:




Ideal when travelling. Recently a 2 year old flew internationally. He had a pillow and a quilt when needed and it easily folded up into his back pack.  

  • Children fall asleep

  • You unexpectedly find yourself at a cold venue.

As a quilt/knee rug


Unfold it and use it to keep warm. Feet can be tucked into the pocket on the back of the quilt to prevent it slipping off, especially when sitting upright. 

  • On your bed

  • Over your knees while sitting

  • In a car, child's car seat or other transport

  • Play mat for a child. They make an ideal gift for a baby shower

  • Ideal for use by people who sit for long periods of time especially those who are in a care facility or nursing home 

  • Sitting watching a sporting event.

As a baby holder
Unfold the fully folded cushion/pillow so the pocket is still showing the front pattern. Put the baby in the pocket and fold the unfolded part behind the baby. Insert the baby and quillo into the pram, stroller or carrier. 
Then when you arrive at your destination and need a play mat you have one
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